There. That's better.
So let's chat...
First and foremost, what not having a 5 day, 9am-5pm job does to me specifically? I putz around on Facebook a lot. Mostly playing mindless games. Please, stop judging me. In a short break from my games I decided to create a "page" for my blog. Really, my friend FitMommaBoom encouraged it. I figured it would be a good way to condense my Facebook from flooding it with weight loss things that some people may not care to follow and will make this blog and my site more organized. So, if you follow this blog and we are not Facebook friends, feel free to "like" my Facebook page and follow me here.
Secondly, this weekend I ate something that I hadn't eaten since before beginning my journey. My husband and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings. There are two places that we use to eat at when we would choose to go out. Buffalo Wild Wings is one and Red Robin is the other. Neither of which I've been too since before February 2010. Not because I couldn't make a healthy choice, because I definitely COULD. It's that I would choose NOT to and I did not want to put myself in that position.
I also ended the week -15PPV. Luckily, I only had a slight gain. Phew!
At first I wasn't going to blog about this but as I thought about it, why not? I made the conscious decision to do what I did. I didn't feel guilty about it and if I wanted to hide it then maybe I did feel guilty. So I'm blogging and I'm not guilty. I'm accountable.
I'm glad I decided to go. Every time I pass a Buffalo Wild Wings I always think to myself how much I miss it and how much I love wings. Quite honestly, after we left I told my husband I'm really glad we went and that I indulged a bit. It wasn't as good as I remembered and now when I pass one I won't feel as if I'm depriving myself of that restaurant. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the wings. But I don't feel it's something I'll crave.
Lesson learned? Don't deprive yourself of your favorites. If I hadn't chosen to go there I wouldn't know that it's just not that great anymore and I'd still feel like I was depriving myself every time I see one. I also learned that if I keep my daily eating habits in check 95% of the time, it's okay to indulge every once in a (Black &) Blue Moon!
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