Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Success! Progress Report Follow-Up

In my last post, I talked about the Progress Report that you get at the end of every week when using eTools with Weight Watchers. I also talked about how I love this tool because it really puts things into perspective and clearly I stunk at achieving a high rating. So this past week, my goal was to focus on the Good Health Guidelines and to receive as many smiley faces as possible.

Here are the results...
This is quite epic! Look at all those smiley faces! Also notice how Sunday I didn't track. It's hard to be upset about that when I had such a fantastic six days and I still lost .2lb. What I noticed and you can see by my tracking (the green bar graph) is that when I got in all of the GHGs, by the end of the day I still had PPV left and I wasn't hungry. Especially look at Tuesday. I had 8 PPV left at the end of the day and had no desire to eat dessert or anything else to finish those 8PPV. It's amazing...the GHGs really are GOOD for you!

I hadn't used and of my Weekly 49 PPV until Saturday plus I had 18 Activity PPV. I definitely used those up on Saturday. I went out to dinner with some girlfriends and then out to some bars. BUT, I tracked most of Saturday which I think is a success. I also believe I only lost .2lb because I was still retaining water from a weekend of eating out and a few alcoholic beverages. No big thing, I know I'll see the rest on the scale next Monday.

To add to my Activity PPV, I bought a pedometer on Friday. I put in all my information (height, weight, etc) and it calculates my steps and for me, at 7,000 something steps, I get 1 Activity PPV. I think I got my 2 APPV around 12,000 which I did on Saturday.This has been a great tool for me to make sure I get up and move, even after two workouts on Friday, I still hadn't even hit 10,000 steps. So it pushes me to do even extra on top of regular workouts.

Finally, I talked myself into what was a very difficult workout for me. I got a bicycle this summer but rarely brought it out and when I did ride it, it wasn't far at all. On Wednesday, we went to dinner at my in-laws house and they live roughly 13 miles from our house. I wasn't sure when I was going to be able to get in a workout on Wednesday because we were super busy. So I decided that since I have to go to my in-laws anyway, why not bike there? My husband drove the car because I certainly was not going to bike 13 miles in the dark along a two lane highway. It took me an hour and fifteen minutes to go 13 miles and I was drenched when I got there. It was 90 degree with 90 percent humidity, so it was a big mental game with myself to keep at it. But I completed the ride, longest one I've done and I'd probably do it again!

I would put this down as a successful week and achieving my goal of really focusing on the GHGs. I haven't come up with a goal for this week. Perhaps it should be tracking my food accurately over Saturday and Sunday.

To end on another positive note - tonight is my last mentoring session as a Weight Watchers leader. Tonight I conduct the entire meeting myself, which I've gradually been taking over different parts these past few weeks. My territory manager will be there to observe and after that I am 100% on my own as a Weight Watcher leader! It feels great to achieve a goal I've worked towards for so long!

Next goal? Finish off these last 10 lbs.

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