By now I'm sure you know I did not get the commercial. I was disappointed and sad by the phone call from New York saying I was not chosen this time around, but the experience was one that not many get to do. Like I said before I knew my fate, I have worked extremely hard the past year on my weight loss journey and to some, 50-60 pounds to lose is not much to recognize, but until you have done it, it is so much harder than you think.
I am one to always find the silver lining. I always think there are reasons why something happens or does not happen. During the time I was to be in California, Japan was hit by a massive earthquake, putting California until Tsunami warnings. Fortunately, California was spared damages, unlike Japan, but I found this to possibly be a reason why it was not my time to be in California.
I also have not written lately because I have been uber sick for the past week with an upper respiratory infection. I could barely talk without coughing and the coughing began to hurt my body so bad I was physically exhausted, even after taking multiple naps throughout the day. I also had no appetite.
Silver lining...?
I went to my weigh-in Monday night, just to weigh-in and leave and I had lost 3.2lbs. That's about unheard of at this stage in the game and so close to my goal. Now to keep that off for the next weigh-in. I know I may gain a little of it back, that happens when you go from eating next to nothing to your regular daily points again, but certainly not all 3.2 lbs of it.
So this put me at 132.4 lbs. That's only .4 lbs until medically I'm not considered overweight anymore.
It's time I start thinking harder about my goal weight and what I can maintain. 116 lbs might be a bit too thin, that was my original goal. I also need to make sure it is something I can maintain for the rest of my life. For anyone who thinks Weight Watchers ends when you hit your goal weight, you are mistaken. Those are the people who put it all back on. This is a lifelong journey and I intend to see it through until the last day.
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