As many of you know, I applied about a month ago to be looked upon for the next Weight Watchers commercial. Everything has happened so quickly since sending in my application, when a week later the casting company called me for an interview later that week!
I had my first interview last Thursday. It was a web conference because the casting company is in New York City. When I got to my interview and was connected via web cams to the casting director, I was more than excited to introduce myself to her. There were basic questions; what's your name? Tell me a little bit about you. I told her how I am a special education teacher, I love to sing karaoke, I've lost 53 (well, now 54) pounds on Weight Watchers, etc. Then she went in to asking me questions specific to Weight Watchers. How do PlusPoints fit into your daily schedule? (How doesn't it?) What is your favorite part of the new PlusPoints system? Do you utilize eTools?
It was all cookie cutter kinds of questions that I was more than able to reply to. After all, I've never believed in a program so much and there isn't anyone this program is not for! Whether it 100lbs or 10lbs you want to lose, Weight Watchers is the way to go, so it made it easy to talk so positively about the program. At the end of the interview she asked me if there was anything else I'd like to add for the director/producer to see. Surprisingly, I got a bit emotional. I explained that I have worked extremely hard in the past year and I've truly made this a lifestyle and so many thing have changed for the better in the past year, a lot because of Weight Watchers. I explained how I gained my confidence back and how I believe I truly do deserve this opportunity. If you know me, I'm not much of a crier, but the water works made an appearance. Honestly, thinking about it I think it's silly how I was so emotional, but really, it IS an emotional journey and unless you've made the changes and have the sense of control over your own life, it's hard to understand.
Luckily, they must have loved my emotion because Friday (day after interview), I was called in for a second interview the follow Monday.
As luck would have it, I was sicker than a dog on Monday, but as they say, "the show must go on."
It was a much shorter interview. She asked for a recap of who I am, what I like to do and my weight loss journey in a nutshell. Then asked me to add anything else I've thought of since my first interview. I added that I think I would be marketing to a different demographic. Typically when I think of Weight Watchers, I think of older people. Maybe women with multiple kids, little time for the gym or even older than that. I've opened up the option of Weight Watchers to many of my friends even younger than I, and I think it's a great chance for us younger ones to get a good control on our weight before it becomes more difficult.
So, two interviews down. Next step is filming. I will find out tomorrow if I am chosen to be flown to Los Angeles (March 8-14th). I could technically still end up on the editing room floor at the end of filming, but quite frankly, getting this opportunity would be enough. I would still get paid for every day I am there ($550/day) but if I do get on air then it's much more, or so they tell me.
Regardless of what happens, I've thought about both interviews and what I've said and there is nothing I would have said differently, added, or not said at all. I can honestly say I am very happy with how I presented myself and I can only pray that they are too. If I get the call tomorrow that I did not make it through to the filming, I will be no doubt disappointed, but I will remain proud of the accomplishments I've made. I have obviously done enough right to be recognized so strongly. I've gained a lot of supported and have inspired others. That is reward enough.
That being said, I do hope I get a call tomorrow telling me to pack my bags. :-)
I hope you get a call too!!!:)