True, my goal is to maintain my weight week to week now, but I find that a boring weekly goal. Making a goal to lose was far more fun and challenging.
Now that spring is rapidly approaching and starting Monday I've got a full time teaching gig until the end of the school year, I figured it would be good to make my objectives geared towards fitness. While I generally workout pretty regularly, I'm not as dedicated and goal oriented towards it as I was towards losing weight each week. So this week I wrote out my activity plan. It's already been altered slightly, but I'm still basically on track.
Sunday evening when I planned it out it looked like this:
Monday: 30 Day Shred Level 3
Tuesday: RunWednesday: Run
Thursday: Jessica Cohen Weight Watchers DVD
Friday: 30 Day Shred Level 3
Saturday: 30 Day Shred Level 2
Here is how it has gone so far and what it looks like for the rest of the week:
Monday: 30 Day Shred Level 3
- Goodness, I forgot how INTENSE Level 3 was! Perhaps I should have started at Level 1 or 2 just to get myself use to Jillian Michaels' crazy workout antics! So much plyometric (jump) training!
Tuesday: Run
- Ran 7.3 miles, unexpectedly. Just kept going. Was in a zone with my music and the warm 60 degree day with the sun blaring. Never mind the 30 mph winds, see, they were at my back for the first 3.6 miles. When I turned around I was surprised how much I underestimated those winds, especially since I run down a long straight road surrounded by open cornfields. Nothing blocking the gusts that randomly pushed me off course at times! Regardless, I completed 7.3 miles in 84 minutes. Not my best, but definitely the most difficult run I've done due to the high winds.
Wednesday: Run
- Tuesday evening I received an unexpected phone call from the high school near my home asking for me to come in the next morning to meet some people and talk about starting earlier than anticipated. This threw me off course for the day. Since I had to shower early for this meeting and we had plans to go to my in-laws, I chose not to run so I didn't have to shower and get ready twice. Wednesday became my rest day.
- Completed the 34 minute routine. I have the sampler DVD that was given to Weight Watcher employees and I absolutely love it. Saturday morning at my meeting I am going to buy the entire 5 disc set so I can incorporate the whole program throughout the week.
Friday: 30 Day Shred Level 3
Saturday: 30 Day Shred Level 2
Sunday: Run
- No longer a rest day because of Wednesday's run being interrupted. Not sure how far I'll run - that usually is dependent on how I'm feeling when I hit the ground running.
If I'm not outside running, I really enjoy working out at home to DVDs. I feel so much less pressure than when I had a gym membership. It was always hard for me to get to the gym after I'd come home from work. I'd always just want to rest. In the winter, forget it. I wasn't about to get into my cold car and get to the gym, sweat, and then return to my cold car. Plus I always hated when I had to wait for a machine or if it was really crowded. I love my DVDs because I can workout on my own and I don't have to wear anything but my shorts and my sports bra. I don't have to leave my house. And I use mostly my own body resistance, which I prefer, as opposed to weight machines.
I mention this because I want people to find what works for them and their individual schedules. I'm not a gym person, it doesn't work for me. I get more intense workouts on my own at home or out on the pavement. If you are a gym person - then rock it out! Find what works for you.
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