I am finally back to weighing in under 130 lbs. I intend on staying there. Damn it. However, I am struggling. My goal is 120, however I recently saw a picture of me that makes me think I should change it to 125lbs.

This is from Halloween. I'm in the background (I hope, obviously) and although you can't see my face, I saw this picture when my sister-in-law posted it and I was looking at my waist and hips. I feel like I'm losing my curves. Halloween was the first day I was wearing my size 1 jeans other than just trying them on and being discouraged they were too tight. They actually fit GREAT! I'm afraid that if I lose about 9 more pounds, getting my to 120, I might just look too thin.
We are going away this weekend and I'm sure we will be taking pictures. Maybe I'll reassess this after looking at those. I don't want to lose my "womanly" curves. Perhaps it's just because I'm wearing a t-shirt.
On a side note, if you would have told me two years ago I'd be whining about not having curves, I probably would have laughed at you.
That all aside, I did feel like a million bucks at a recent event...

Been keeping up with my running.

This is my friend Val. She and I have ran two 5k together. She's significantly faster than I am, running her first 5k in just over 26 minutes. But not to worry - we are both extremely supportive of each other and she is a fantastic running partner. Now I need to talk her into running longer distances. I've been running 3 miles on short days and up to 7.5 miles on longer days.
My progression is impressive I think.
Starting in August: You can tell I was just starting to get into being more active here. At least outdoors. However, most of my mileage came from my bike.
In September I had less mileage, however, all my mileage was from running. The two areas in gray is where I was messing around with putting in my "at home" workouts but I've decided there is no need to put those on the calendar because I have a separate calendar for that at home anyway. My longest route here was just about 3.3 miles.
October absolutely rocked for me. A total of 56.35 running miles. Although it averaged 1.8 miles a day, I obviously didn't run every day. Clearly, I took the week of the 16th off. That week, my allergies absolutely got the best of me. Although, I do remember on the 9th, my allergies were terrible and I was on allergy medicine but I felt so guilty not running all week so I hopped on my bike and rode 7.44 miles. All the while, my nose running and it being completely disgusting. My best day was on October 29th, when I ran 7.57 miles. I'm slightly disappointed because today is the Hot Chocolate 15K and I was asked earlier in the summer to run it with a friend of mine and I told her there is no way I'd run that far. Ha. What a difference a couple of months make. I totally could have done it with her today.
I'm going to take a break on running official 5k's or any other races. I've been running a lot on my own that I don't feel I need to pay anymore to run these distances. Before, signing up for a 5k would motivate me to run prior to the race - however, now I don't need that extra motivation so I'll save the money and continue to run on my own. I am thinking about a half-marathon in the spring.
This has been another great "on plan" week and I'm anticipating a good weigh-in on Monday. I have to start going back to Monday night meetings, because I start working this Monday. It's going to be so nice having a job again. This brings up the challenge of keeping up with running, but I will figure it out somehow. With the pending winter weather, I may be doing more inside workouts than outdoor. Whatever gets the job done my friends.
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