This past weekend was the annual Weight Watchers 5K Walk-It Challenge. It motivates members to get up and walk 3.1 miles, with not only the feeling of achievement, but a charm for their key chain as a reward. Members can choose to sign-up for a 5K in the area or simply walk with a group of friends or even with their spouse. My Weight Watcher area created their own 5K Walk-It Challenge through a forest preserve in a nearby town. This year, we had about 500 Weight Watcher members and family come out to walk. It was amazing and very emotional to see the different levels of movers, e.g. walkers, joggers and runners. This year, I did it alone. Last year my husband and two dogs came to support but I have advanced so much from last year that since this race was not chip timed like typical 5Ks are, I was not worried about beating a personal record. Instead, I just went with my iPod and headphones and was looking forward to a leisurely jog through on the path. As I was walking to the path, I was walking behind a woman who was about to start the 5K (it was a come as you please type of 5K, not timed or started like typical ones) and I mentioned to her how much nicer the weather was this year than last. We began chatting and I learned that she came from about 30 miles west for this 5K because she works out here and this is where here meeting is, but she didn't know many people because she isn't from the area. I learned she just started Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago and that she was slightly intimidated by the 5K because she had not walked this far. I chose to walk the 5K with her and keep her motivated. We got to know each other really well and she was so very thankful for my support, even though we didn't really know each other and had just met. I'm happy to say she finished the 5K and I hope will be looking for another.

This is a perfect example of why I love this community I am in as a Weight Watcher member. We all come from such different walks of life, yet have something so personal in common, struggles with weight. Recently, I've become much more emotional about this journey. Maybe it's because I'm so close to my goal weight, I'm not sure. After completing the 5K and telling my husband what I had done for this woman, something as simple as walking by her side, got me choked up. I think back 15 months ago, when I was the one struggling and needed the support more than ever. Now it's my turn to pay it forward and help those who were in the same place I once was. I am looking more forward than ever to finish my leader training so that I can have a closer connection with more people in this journey. And it makes me more grateful for those who have helped and supported me through mine.
I love this post! It is so wonderful that you have come full circle like this! You look amazing! You're proof that it can be done if you remain dedicated. AND that you aren't doing some fad diet, but going through a total lifestyle change!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nicole! I'm glad this was the first thing I tried...I never did the fad dieting or as we in WW call it "yo-yo" dieting because I had to give up anything good! Sorry...but I LOVE food! It wasn't worth giving up! HAHA