Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Busy Bee

Hello my faithful followers! My sincere apologies, it has been much longer than I expected since I last blogged. I must stay, for being a jobless/childless gal, I'm awfully busy! Between interviewing and preparing for my new Weight Watchers meeting, I've had little time for the computer. So...let's update!

Last night was the kick-off of our new Weight Watchers meeting at a location that previously had no PM meetings. We were expecting things to begin slowly, hoping that word had gotten around that there was a new meeting but still skeptical that enough marketing had been done. We were amazed when seven brand new members walked in the door, it was a great start to a new meeting! I'm looking forward to next Tuesday where I can hear all of their success and inevitably, frustrations, about their first week learning a new lifestyle. I will try to update in the future on my successes and failures as a new leader with a new meeting. Many experiences are yet to come.

On the interview front, I've had a few interviews for teaching positions and thankfully I know a lot of people who are able to help out with getting interviews, because in teaching that is the only way you get into a school...who you know. Unfortunately, who I know hasn't paid off entirely because someone else interviewing always seems to know someone higher up or more influential. Ahh, such is life. I'm positive it just means the right job hasn't come along yet and I will remain patient.

The best thing about being jobless (besides sleeping in, of course) is I can continue my workout with no distractions. I have been continuing to run throughout the week and I am slowly increasing my mileage. So far, this week, I started off on Sunday with a 7.44 mile bike ride. My allergies were absolutely terrible and I was under the influence of allergy medicine, but I just couldn't help but feel worse just sitting in the house all day. While I figured running would be harder on my body than usual under the circumstance, I thought to take out my bike and go for a ride. On Monday, I ran my furthest distance yet, 5 miles. I completed it in 58:17 which breaks down to an 11.6 min/mile. I am completing my first official 8k on November 13th and my goal is to complete it in under 60:00 minutes. I think I'll do just fine. I was very happy with 58:17 for my first 5 miles and I was utterly exhausted afterwards. Hopefully my next 5 miles will be slightly quicker and easier to run. It was pretty warm that morning I did the 5 miles and I don't run particularly well in warm weather. I prefer weather closer to the 45*-50* range. Definitely not 75*. This "Indian Summer" is taking a toll on my running AND allergies! Yesterday I ran 3.51 miles in 38:25 which breaks down to a 10.8 min/mile. Looking back at all my running data, I'm showing good consistency which is what I am working on right now. Breathing correctly, setting a good pace...eventually I will work on speeding up, but I feel like I need these things down pat first. Since this week has been bike ride, run, run, run, today I am going to switch it up with a little strength and core training I think. Go figure, it's the first cool fall-like day in the past two weeks too! Perfect for running!

Update on last weeks progress...

I'm up .5 lb. Last week I had an early appointment and couldn't make it to my regular WW meeting, so I weighed myself at home and was down, so technically I'm up .5lb from my home weigh-in but I was down .8lb from my previous weigh-in at my WW meeting. So...take it as you will. Either way, it's no big deal. Whenever my exercise is increased, I gain. I'm still trying to find my balance between intense exercise and eating the appropriate amount to re-energize my body. I weighed in this past Monday at 131.2 lbs. I'm really hoping that all this running pays off and I can break into the 120's again soon. Funny thing, on Saturday I stepped on the scale and I was 128lbs. Sometimes I wish the random weigh-ins were accurate but the only ones that matter to me are the once a week, same day same time. With how often your body weight fluctuates, I find it that to be most accurate. Anyhow, looking back at my weekly progress, I did well with my Good Health Guidelines, minus the healthy oils. I'm sure I got them in somewhere, but just not enough for me to count them really. I just don't use oils. I need to work on that. I tracked what I ate every day last week, even Saturday when we went out to celebrate my good friends 30th birthday. Fishbowl drink and all.

Last week was a good week. Despite a small gain. As I've said before, although my goal is 120lbs, I'm happy with how my body looks. If I wasn't such a number girl, I'd probably make this my goal. But let's see what 10 lbs more does.

Oh, and I've found my absolute FAVORITE thing about running.

...we searched the other day and cannot find cellulite. Anywhere. For that reason alone, I will continue to run.