If you know me, you know that I rarely will admit my faults. Well, maybe you don't know what since I rarely admit them. I like to think I'm pretty perfect. I don't think that's uncommon, I figure, one either thinks themselves to be close to perfection or the opposite, always failing. I suppose I'd rather be on the perfecting side of things, especially when working towards my weight loss.
It's disgusting. I felt so sick after eating all that nasty food. It shows me that old habits definitely die hard. I didn't even think I could consume that much food anymore. Although the past two weeks I still lost weight (.4 lb each week) I still went two weeks without even losing one whole pound and that is just unacceptable when I'm so close to goal.
How do I fix this problem? Back to basics.
This week, I tracked like I've never tracked before. I, once again, was a perfect Weight Watcher. And it showed on the scale. Although my weigh-in isn't until tomorrow, the scale is reading around the 128 lbs mark which is about a 4 lbs loss this week. Although unofficial, I'm very excited for tomorrows weigh-in.
So, perhaps it was cockiness. Maybe it was the stress of the last few weeks of school, or some of my students who I swear are giving me grey hairs at the ripe age of 25. Maybe I just missed my comfort food. Regardless of what it was, I have not failed by any means. And I believe it's okay to given in once in a while to your weaknesses. I can't say I'd enjoy life if I never ate a piece of Aurelio's pizza again. And that's not fair to deny yourself anything.
I still have a lot of learning to do. I need to learn to control myself. Kristian always tells me that he'll make sure I don't eat that "next" piece of pizza after I've already had 5 pieces. I tell him that is kind of him but honestly it won't do me any good. I have to learn to tell myself not to eat it. If he tells me, I'll just be upset that he is telling me what to do, right ladies? How dare you tell me not to eat that next piece...watch me eat two more! ;-) Truth is, I need to work with myself to stop. I'm only going to listen to myself. Especially when I'm alone. I can't count on someone else being there to stop me, because if I'm alone it will be a disaster.
I've realized I'm not perfect. That doesn't mean I can't inspire people or lead people in their weight loss. It just means I relate to everyone else on their journey.
With that said, I feel much better. I hope everyone has a fantastic Easter! I am luckily to have a family that is watching their waistline as well. My family has planned a healthy Easter meal and we all plan on going for a walk together after dinner before we break out the board games. I am so proud of my family, especially my grandparents, for inspiring one another.